Man From Uranus


Past performances...

1 Sep 02
Mumford Theater, APU, Cambridge
with Cosmic Bob - In a nice proper theatre with an audience full of nodding music boffins - awesome acoustics, I traced sounds up the opposite wall of the auditorium with my finger
1 May 02
Soiree, CB2, Cambridge
with Cosmic Bob - A TV on a high trolley between us showing an image of the moon - and we played a very slow eery moon like set - my Theremin line went staticy but happily I could play the static
1 Apr 02
Bad Timing, Cambridge
MFU goes into space - surrounded by oscilloscopes and reel to reels I played my first proper set in ages - and it was pretty mellow - Miss Roberts said it looked like I was flying a spaceship
1 Mar 02
The Junction, Cambridge
Our imptomptu set seemed to go down so well we were invited to do it at a bigger venue in which we became bloated rock stars and retired the act - court case pending
1 Feb 02
Bad Timing, Cambridge
Impromptu show - Greek wonder Boy Dimitri shows up with his extra large organ and asks me to play Theremin during his set - I was still a bit green on the magic antennae but we were punk rock
1 Jan 02
Faster Daddy, Cambridge
This was a terrible show in a bad jumper - I called myself GENTLEMANS RADIO HOUR for this show ( I still like that name ) was probably pretty good. Saloon headlined.
1 Dec 01
 first Theremin show - it objected horribly - I didnt prepare ANYTHING for the show, total freeform plan, walked off after 3 minutes. Shite!
1 Jul 01
Cambridge Museum of Science and Technology
played shortwave to Stockhausen's Hymnen  - I played in a room full of WWII shortwaves and switchboards. music and strange sounds and ezperiments all day.
1 Jul 01
Spare Toasters
The Science of Musical Sound Experiment - all sounds sampled from two scientific flexi-discs explaining the science of sound - utilized a huge backdrop of explanations for each segment - good fun
1 Jun 01
Faster Daddy, Cambridge
I think Dave, Jo, Andrew, and Chris from CEN were the only people at this, one of my sharpest performances.
1 May 01
LEAPS,CC's, Cambridge
Sonic shortwave drone with big astro film! A huge theatre screen behind me with kitsch 60's films of planets and volcanic moons and orbital diagrams while I played huge waves of radioactive shortwave
1 Mar 01
LEAPS, CC's, Cambridge citi-life
spontaneous 20 musician electronic jam - I was last on, but they ran out of time and said I had 5 minutes to play - I thought screw it and invited ALL the evenings bands on at once to jam a cacophony.
1 Jan 01
Faster Daddy, Cambridge
supporting UM and his brother Rob Jesus whom many years later i would be writing songs with.
1 Dec 00
Spare Toasters, Portland Arms, Cambridge
First gig I played with Pete UM and met Jo Brook who would become a very important figure for my music, setting up the cambridge club Bad Timing, bringing in musicians from abroad. pete amazed me with his vocals and performance - so cool.
1 Jul 00
Circuit Club, Kings Cross, London
Half a year later, went back and did the same thing, with NO spirit and bombed - I've vowed never to do the same thing twice again
1 Dec 99
Circuit Club, Kings Cross, London
My first gig was actually one of my best - played a huge hammond organ with my computer on top of it - I resembled a fella at work at his desk, typing music with a fag in his mouth. Great.

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